CPS Defense Practice Areas

My primary goal is to find the most effective solution that minimizes costs and expedites the process, thus reducing the typical negative effects experienced during this journey. -Christopher Drouillard

Our Specialities

  • CPS Investigation

  • Child Abuse

  • Child Neglect

  • Child Endangerment


Child Protective Services Defense Attorney

I recognize that each CPS case is unique, and the issues faced by families can vary widely. While some cases may involve allegations of child abuse or neglect, others could revolve around issues like failure to protect, shaken baby syndrome, or unexplained bone fractures and injuries. Regardless of the specific accusations, my approach is unwavering: to provide unwavering support, ensure a fair and just process, and work towards the most favorable outcome for my clients.

  • With the right legal support, families can navigate these challenges successfully.

    -Christopher Drouillard

Women discussing issue

Child Abduction, Endangerment or Neglect

In CPS cases, it's important to recognize that the primary focus is the best interests of the children involved. While parents may have personal interests, the well-being and safety of the child should always be at the forefront of decision-making. Striking an agreement with CPS that safeguards the children while minimizing adverse consequences for the family is a goal worth pursuing.

  • My extensive experience in CPS law allows me to navigate these complex cases with confidence and effectiveness.

    -Christopher Drouillard


Solutions, Time & Cost

The key to a positive outcome in CPS cases lies in finding a solution that addresses the concerns raised by CPS while ensuring the best interests of the children and minimizing the negative consequences for the family. It's about striking a balance between compliance and the protection of your rights as a parent or guardian. Legal proceedings can be financially burdensome, and I understand the importance of finding a cost-effective approach. By working diligently to minimize expenses and streamline the legal process, I aim to reduce the financial strain on families during these challenging times to resolve CPS cases as efficiently as possible, allowing families to move forward and children to thrive in a stable environment.

  • The best solutions for families, both in terms of cost and time efficiency, safeguarding the well-being of the children involved.

    -Christopher Drouillard

Let Our Experience Be Your Guide

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With my dedication to winning, I often deter prosecutors from pursuing legal action.

CPS Defense Attorney Practice Areas

  • CPS Investigation

    Elaborate on the title to describe the various things included in the service & attract visitors.

  • Child Abuse

    Elaborate on the title to describe the various things included in the service & attract visitors.

  • Child Neglect

    Elaborate on the title to describe the various things included in the service & attract visitors.

  • Child Abandonment

    Elaborate on the title to describe the various things included in the service & attract visitors.